Our plans at the Te Ahu Centre in Kaitaia
We emailed Mark Osborne, the manager of the Te Ahu Centre. This is being built to replace the Community Centre. We asked if we could plant a bee garden to encourage bees to that area of town.
Our visit to Te Ahu
On our first visit we looked at the stopbank between the river and the Te Ahu Centre and thought that it would be good to plant trees like kowhai and pohutakawa to attract the bees.
But when we discussed this with Mr Osborne, he said that the Regional Council wanted that area left bare as trees would interfere with the bank of the river and could cause flooding.
But when we discussed this with Mr Osborne, he said that the Regional Council wanted that area left bare as trees would interfere with the bank of the river and could cause flooding.
The Rose Garden
Mr Osborne suggested that we have our bee garden where the rose garden is now.
It is not too close to the Te Ahu entrance so the bees will not annoy visitors.
He is going to meet with the Te Ahu Trust to discuss our garden with them.
He also suggested that we may plant in other areas of town, like the Jaycee Park. We will need to find out about this.
It is not too close to the Te Ahu entrance so the bees will not annoy visitors.
He is going to meet with the Te Ahu Trust to discuss our garden with them.
He also suggested that we may plant in other areas of town, like the Jaycee Park. We will need to find out about this.